"Already on the way to the event I met the presenter Mrs. Maria Victoria Haas. When we arrived at the huge The Samsung Hall, Ms Hüttner, Communications and Employer Policy Assistant, welcomed me warmly.
The main rehearsal went smoothly. Afterwards, I was allowed to receive the first guests for the AGM together with Laura. Among them was Tobias Moser. Martin Hirzel, the host of the event and President of Swissmem, told me beforehand that Tobias would be elected to the Board today. After the AGM, the special program for apprentices started. Over 80 apprentices gathered for the presentation on cyber security from the Swiss Armed Forces. There were many exciting and informative speeches given in English.
I was allowed to take a seat in the second front row, by the Board of Directors, directly behind Ueli Maurer. During the first presentation of the speaker's gift to Anders Fogh Rasmussen, NATO delegate, I was announced and the video showing me in the office was played on the screen. I was allowed to go on stage to hand over eleven peppermill-sets on behalf of Young Future. Many thanks to Andreas Oeggerli and Thomas Schenk who supported me and motivated me during the breaks. An unforgettable day with many new acquaintances!" Young Future Managing Director, Sascha Dysli