Your worldwide spindle partner
At FISCHER, every repair is managed on a customer-specific basis. Decades of experience, qualified personnel, state-of-the-art facilities, and sophisticated procedures make us the perfect spindle partner throughout the entire product life cycle. We have the capabilities to offer repairs on all spindle types in your production facilities and support you in every situation to cover your needs in the best possible way.
Your local contact for service and repairs:
+41 62 956 22 33
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+49 2173 20535 0
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+886 4 2620 2200
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Repairs of FISCHER spindles and milling heads
The right offer for every need
For the repair of your FISCHER spindle, you have come to the right place.
- FISCHER Spindle Group has service centers and production facilities around the world
- Repair FISCHER spindles with original parts; refurbish key components as needed; bring spindle to like new condition.
- Express repairs
- Repair of FISCHER milling heads

Highest availability of original, spare and replacement parts
Together with you, we will work out a suitable solution.
- Spindle hotel: Your spindle is stored at FISCHER and checked for proper function at regular intervals. The warranty begins with the call-off and delivery of the spindle.
- Spindle pool for machine manufacturers: While your spindle is being repaired, you can benefit from one of our pool spindles. You can continue adding value without interruption and keep production going.
- Exchange spindles for end customers: We offer exchange spindles available in short notice with your defective spindle. This depends on the spindle type and availability.
- Spindle repair service: We offer a professional and binding repair service. On request we provide a detailed analysis of the defective spindle as well as individual quotations.
- Spindle Taxi: Your spindle will be picked up free of charge in Europe.
- Spindle periphery: We support you in the selection and design of the appropriate periphery for a safe operation of the spindle.

service and support
Our spindle specialists at your site
Whether for commissioning, application advice or a minor repair on site - our service team will be happy to support you wherever you are.
- On-site support: Support for commissioning of spindle systems
- Maintenance training and application consulting
- Service visits for minor repairs or optimizations
- On-site vibration and bearing analysis
- Trainings

Spindle repairs on all makes and models
FISCHER your spindle partner - the customer in focus
First-class repairs and customized service packages for all your spindles.
- We repair all brands of spindles in our worldwide group companies
- Analysis, repairs and retrofits of all your spindles
- FISCHER quality, service and advice
- All from one source